React Hot Loader and React Router playing nice

Recently I’ve been reading about all the sweet improvements in React 16. Naturally I got really excited and wanted to upgrade one of the projects that I’ve been working on. Turns out the version of React Hot Loader that I was using (1.x) wasn’t really compatible with React 16, so I had to upgrade it as well. I went ahead and switched to the latest version of React Hot Loader (3.1.1 at the time of writing this) and for anyone that tried to do the same, you know that the API in version 3.x had changed a bit (so I had to re-write a bunch of stuff). I decided to write this down in the hopes that someone might find it useful.

No problem, the documentation for React Hot Loader had very nice code examples and I re-wrote my app setup in no time.

This was my first attempt (note that the project is written in typescript):

// Boot.tsx (entry point for the app)

const createStoreWithMiddleware = applyMiddleware(
const store = createStoreWithMiddleware(rootReducer);

const container: HTMLElement = document.getElementById("app-container");

        <Root store={store} history={browserHistory} />

if ( {"./Root", () => {
        const NextRoot = require<{ default: typeof Root }>("./Root").default;
                <NextRoot store={store} history={browserHistory} />

However, I got the following warning (this is React Router 3.3 by the way):

Warning: [react-router] You cannot change <Router routes>; it will be ignored

This is how my Root component looked like:

// Root.tsx

// not the actual routes - but you get the idea
const routes: JSX.Element = (
    <Route component={App}>
        <Redirect from="/" to="sample" />
        <Route component={SampleComponent} path="/sample" />
        <Route component={SomeOtherSampleComponent} path="/sample/:category" />

interface RootProps {
    store: Store<any>;
    history: HistoryBase;

const Root: React.SFC<RootProps> = (props: RootProps) => (
    <Provider store={}>
        <Router history={props.history}>
export default Root;

I tried a bunch of things to get rid of the warning and what worked for me at the end is changing the Root component to look like:

// Root.tsx

interface RootProps {
    store: Store<any>;
    history: HistoryBase;

export default class Root extends React.Component<RootProps, any> {
    private routes: JSX.Element = (
        <Route component={App}>
            <Redirect from="/" to="sample" />
            <Route component={SampleComponent} path="/sample" />
            <Route component={SomeOtherSampleComponent} path="/sample/:category" />

    render() {
        return (
            <Provider store={}>
                <Router history={this.props.history}>

Voila! Everything worked fine afterwards! Yay!

The upgrade to React 16 was pretty smooth experience overall, and it was totally worth it - the app file size reduced considerably and the performance improvements I’m seeing are in the range of 20-30%. Pretty awesome, really.